Come and Celebrate

This year of celebration was one to remember!
Explore the events that brought us together and drew attention to how far we’ve come and the years of God’s blessings we’ve enjoyed together.

Legacy Chapels

Walk down memory lane at six historic chapel services—including a Founders Day chapel with President Emeritus Dr. Arlin Horton and President Troy Shoemaker!

Founders Day Chapel | September 15, 2023 — Watch On-Demand

Alumni Homecoming Chapel | October 20, 2023 — Watch On-Demand

Decade Chapels

’74–’79 | November 3, 2023 — Watch On-Demand

’80–’89 | December 1, 2023 — Watch On-Demand

’90–’99 | February 9, 2024 — Watch On-Demand

’00–’11 | March 8, 2024 — Watch On-Demand

’12–’24 | April 12, 2024 Watch On-Demand

Time Capsule Ceremony

Replay the Time Capsule Ceremony, an event in PCC history commemorating the events, emotions, and culture surrounding the College’s 50th year. The contents include carefully chosen memorabilia, books, photos, videos, personal stories from staff, students, and alumni, plus a message from college president Dr. Troy Shoemaker—providing a historical snapshot that will be rediscovered in 2049, PCC’s 75th year.

May 3, 2024

Legacy Bible Conference

Hear from speakers who have left a legacy on our hearts: Dr. Jim Schettler, Dr. Johnny Pope, Dr. Richard Wallace, Pastor Ernie Merritt, Pastor Dave Goforth—and other alumni and friends!

February 28–March 1, 2024 — Watch On-Demand

Gala—Celebrating Our 50th Year

The 50th-Year signature event celebrating PCC’s rich legacy of people and exceptional productions.

Join us for an evening of celebration through musical and dramatic vignettes.

October 20, 2023  Watch On-Demand

Alumni Homecoming

The campus of PCC teemed with excited alumni and their families during the 2023 Alumni Homecoming. Almost 1,500 graduates from 38 different states and all five decades traveled back to their alma mater to be a part of PCC’s 50th-year celebration. Alumni enjoyed reminiscing over the past while also looking toward the future for PCC.

October 20–21, 2023  View Highlight Video

Opening Convocation

The 50th-year semesters started with a focus on God’s Word. Hear from incredible speakers-plus see footage from memorable opening meetings.

Dr. Scott Pauley | August 27–30, 2023 — Watch On-Demand

Pastor Matt Teis | January 21–24, 2024 — Watch On-Demand

Stay Connected!

Stay in the loop on the latest 50th-anniversary news, events, and upcoming website releases.
You won’t want to miss a thing!